It can sometimes be difficult to find foods that are nutritious, affordable and great tasting. Most people think that the fulfillment of two of these objectives means engaging the third, but that's not true! Here are five quick recipes, healthy on a budget you can start today
1. Chile White
Most people probably do not equate the words "health" and "chile", but the white chile recipe is a delicious and healthy on a budget. Instead of using ground beef or meat fat, get lean ground turkey. Combine that with white beans, spices such as garlic and cumin and a little chicken broth and yogurt for soft and creamy base.
2. Easy Tortilla
Many people believe that eggs are unhealthy or too full of cholesterol, but eggs and poultry are packed with protein and health of omega-3. To make this easy recipe, health, start with a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, followed by three pre-beat the eggs. Mix the eggs around until just before you begin to install, put a lid on the pot and reduce heat to low. After about 2 minutes, you will have the perfect omelette that slides to the right of the tray!
3. Delicious Pork
When you think of pork, you usually think of fat, but some cuts such as tenderloin are extremely thin and profitable! To make this recipe perfectly healthy on a budget, start with the outside of the salt spine. Then it is cooked on all sides in a cast iron skillet with olive oil until all is golden on the outside. To complete the cooking process, add a little broth or water to the cast iron moisture, and place the whole thing in an oven at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Serve with barbecue sauce or your favorite homemade salsa.
4. Greek yogurt on the cheap
Greek yogurt is full of protein and full of healthy enzymes, but tends to cost more than regular yogurt. To make your own for less, put a coffee filter in a strainer and metal dump your normal whole milk yogurt that! Place the colander over a bowl to catch the fat, and after a day, the filter is full of thick yogurt, Greek! To be part of a great recipe, healthy, add nuts, granola or fruit.
5. The most simple broccoli soup
No, we're not talking the cream of broccoli, simply (but delicious!) Broccoli Soup. To make this recipe healthier budget, make broccoli with dark green leaves and no additional or flowers out of it. Cut out the thick parts, leaving the stems for another day, and put them in a pot of boiling salted water. Once the broccoli is cooked, add to blender with two cups of water, now green.