Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peruvian Food Recipes | Traditional Spanish Food Recipes

One of the best known and loved, and traditional Spanish recipes Spanish tortilla is. This recipe is incredibly versatile and can be served hot or cold as a starter - as a snack - or as a main dish salad. Cut cake into pieces as-is ideal for picnics and field days.


1lb/450g Potatoes (estimated or Nadine)
1 red onion
1 red pepper
1 clove garlic
4oz/100g frozen peas
6 large eggs
2oz/50g cheese
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper


Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes half inch/12mm. Cook in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, until tender. aside to drain. Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion - peel and crush the garlic - the seeds and cut peppers in half inch/12mm squares.

In a large skillet, heat half the oil over medium heat. Fry the onion for 2-3 minutes. Add garlic, peas and red pepper - fry for about 3-4 minutes, then set aside on a plate.

Steamed Food Recipes | Muslim Food Recipes

The holy month of Ramadan also has a great impact on the Muslim culture. In many countries, people make special arrangements to pray together and listen Holy Quran is recited in prayers. Special food is prepared to break the fast each day.

Although Muslims fast during this month, but also brought a wonderful diversity of food served during iftar (the meal eaten to break the fast early in the afternoon prayer). In Pakistan, this time of day has important cultural significance. People return home from work early to meet with their families in the Iftar dinner. Ramadan Special Recipes are prepared and served. These recipes Ramadan varies from one country to another. Since Muslims are spread throughout the world for what their local customs and cuisine also affect your recipes and menu Iftar dinner.

In India, Ramadan recipes are very similar to Pakistan Ramadan recipes. Samosa and Pakory are common in both countries. Another common recipe is a recipe for Fruit Chaat, which is served fruit salad with spices and sugar. Ramadan Recipes vary from one country to another, even within a single country such as Pakistan, people from different ethnic backgrounds to prepare their recipes for Ramadan differently after their usual local cuisine and using local ingredients.

Traditional Indian Food Recipes

As the popularity of India to obtain food, with trendy restaurants around the world and serve the opening of inventive dishes from India, home cooks are getting bolder with the ingredients that make the food so enticing. There are so many websites are offering these Indian recipes to its customers worldwide. The following tips in this article will be faithful to the traditional flavors of Indian cuisine, but not acted with long lists of hard to find ingredients. Spices modern home cooks gives an accessible guide to cooking food over India with personal essays, saving time and advice to enhance the flavor, and details facts about their food appreciated.

If you are new to Indian cuisine, all of the above we suggest you start by just adding Indian spices to recipes that already do. Then start experimenting with other indigenous ingredients. The first and best is to put Indian spices in the dishes every day. For example, try adding spices to dishes you already do. Sizzling a little cumin, saffron and spices from India into the hot oil and pour over the mashed potatoes. The complexity and time involved in preparing traditional Indian food can be quite daunting for the beginner or the time challenged cook. Modern Indian recipes is to capture the cuisine of this new generation.

Traditional German Food Recipes

The most famous of German food is the sausage and sauerkraut. However, different types and specialties vary from region to region and most of them are closely guarded secrets that have been passed from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, however, the traditional German recipes are at risk of being forgotten due to the emergence of large supermarkets and food stores where the products ready to eat German food popular areas such as dumplings sauerkraut, sauerbraten, etc. can be easily purchased. Only a few of the younger generation of Germans know how to prepare traditional German recipes, and unless the art of German cooking is revitalized, there is great risk of death traditional German recipes in the realms of past glories and forgotten.

Germany is also famous for its red meat; not only beef and pork, but also for its venison and rabbit very popular, as well as ham, salami and salted beef and dumplings of course the very famous German potato and other dishes of potatoes traditionally consumed with meat.

Some of the most popular traditional German recipes are:

- German sausages that are different from the American Frankfurter and is made with smoked pork and served with mustard.

- The traditional recipe sauerkraut is another German, which is very popular and is made of cabbage is chopped and fermented. It can be eaten alone or used as part of a recipe.

- A popular bratwurst sausage is prepared with beef or pork, and generally eaten with ketchup or mustard.

Picnic Food Recipes | Wah Re Wah Food Recipe

Cook the picnic is a lot harder than cooking at home. For home cooking, kitchen offers enough space and various utensils. For your picnic, if you take the food cooking on your own, you need to make good preparation. This means that you should make a good preparation at home. In this article, I would like to offer recipes for picnic.

Pan-fried steak

Home Preparation: Pickle fillet of beef with wine, salt, yellow egg and starch. Place the steak in the food container sealed. Before frying, pickling is almost ready. You can use your own efforts steak sauce. To make the sauce, just heat the oil and add tomato sauce, chile sauce and sugar and mix evenly. You can fill out the sauce in the bottle.

Outdoor cooking: Heat the oil in the baking pan and fry both sides of the steak until it turns gold, then you can pour the sauce made the meat itself.

Grilled meat

Home Preparation: Prepare the onions, sliced ​​carrots, sliced ​​mushrooms and put them in the food bowl. Cut meat into slices (the thinner are preferred) and make the sauce (self-made or store-bought) with you.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Potato Recipes | Proper Food Combining Recipes

A food recipe alkaline ionized water boosts the immune system, which keeps us healthy and free of disease. Kidneys, lungs and adrenal glands proper nutrients needed to maintain a proper pH balance within our bodies. An alkaline diet is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. An alkaline diet is not expensive or difficult to follow because the foods used, is probably already located in the house of all. An alkaline diet, in different combination, it's fun to eat and exactly what your body needs to maintain a proper pH balance. Some alkaline foods include fresh vegetables, organic nuts, grains, seeds and spices.

To prepare the menu on the right alkaline for daily intake would be to mix the right combination of foods to benefit the digestive system and taste buds. Another selection to add to a daily diet of these foods are a combination of adding a variety of salad ingredients alkaline, which is cucumber, beetroot, mix the almonds, hummus, cabbage with a touch of lemon juice . Organic foods are better for the body because they contain more minerals, vitamins, proteins and enzymes and amino acids pure nature.

An ounce of prevention - a pound of cure is alkaline:

A healthy alkaline diet is composed of 80% alkalizing foods, 70% are more effective, if raw, and 20% acidic foods. The human body is an acid that accumulates too much due to stress and poor nutrition that contributes to diseases such as mild skin rashes, depression, chronic fatigue, arthritis, ulcers and osteoporosis. But when the body has the correct pH balance of content, reflected in increased energy, increased vitality, healthier skin tone, weight loss, and increased mental acuity. To keep the body balanced, it requires a proper diet that includes healthy eating alkalizing foods, and the right of water to hydrate the body.

Philippine Food Recipes | Pet Food Recipes

Unfortunately, we are a little less enthusiastic about putting the game. How do you know which foods to serve, or how to accomplish them? None of the parties concerned, Filipinos are very simple, but are always larger than expected. Filipino cuisine is very diverse, so do not run out of options, and whenever there is a lot of food, guests will be more than happy.

Convinced? Here are some tips Filipino meal planning can be used for your next meeting.

Plan courses

Ever been at a party where there was dessert too but not enough for the main dish? It is a common mistake among party planners, they'll make a short list of foods they like and then run to the grocery store. Avoid this mistake by planning all the food of course. Do you want to serve appetizers or go straight to the main course? How many desserts do you need? If you have more than two main dishes, you do not need a lot of snacks. You can serve a variety of Filipino desserts recipes or prepare a large dessert, a pie or cake.

Account the time

If your party is mid-morning or afternoon, do not need a full meal, because customers only have eaten. Instead of large Filipino food recipes, serving snacks and a variety of different sandwiches. Not only is it convenient, but also allows mixing while enjoying your meal. Be sure to add more variety, as people get tired of a dish rather quickly.

Change people's appetites with time of day, so plan accordingly as well. About 10 appetizers per person per hour is appropriate for part of lunch. People are usually more hungry during dinner time, so if you are holding the party, then have at least 14 sandwiches per person. If you are the host of the afternoon, you will need about half.

We do not serve at once

There are few things worse than running out of food when you're having a party. Of course, the safest way out is to overestimate, in addition, you can always use the leftovers for lunches next week. But what if you're on a tight budget? The best alternative is the portion of each course. For example, first serve appetizers, main dishes to come, and the final dessert. Do not put all your food at once. When everyone is finished, fill your table with all courses.

Party Food Recipes | Party Foods Recipes

Unfortunately, there is no scientific formula for making the amount of food for a party. It's more art and more parties to attend, the more you will be able to estimate the amounts of food right. Here are some tips to help you estimate the amount of food for a party and help you relax and not panic!

You only adults were invited to the party or there is a need for some prescriptions for child-friendly too? How long will your last game and when the day is going to be? You would need food much more than a barbecue for the evening for a cocktail after dinner, for example.

Make more of the potentially popular dishes. Almost everyone loves boneless chicken recipes, so many of these as there will be other dishes, such as international recipes or seafood recipes that will not appeal to everyone.

If you offer a lot of different dishes, each guest will have less of each. If you have twenty dishes, guests will probably take a tablespoon each of them like the look of. If you have only five dishes, they eat more of each.

You can estimate the amount of food required for the development of the number of guests you have and how much of each food you eat. Remember to round their estimates upward, not downward. It's infinitely better to have some leftovers to run out of things to eat half of the celebrations!

Organic Food Recipes | Oriental Food Recipes

A quick word of advice on finding recipes of any type, make sure that before you try a recipe or buy a book of recipes, which are those that fit your cooking skill level. For example, if you need a recipe for shrimp fried rice, make sure you fully understand everything the recipe calls for, and has all the ingredients before you start. Try not to use a recipe that calls for poaching an egg, unless you have a poached egg or before understanding what it means poaching in cooking.

Asian food recipes can be found on many websites, especially those dedicated to cooking or food appreciation. If you have trouble finding exactly what you're looking for, and you want to cook something specific, use the many forums, newsgroups and message boards that are out there on cooking sites. Chances are, you will find someone who can help you find what you're looking for or someone who has a recipe perfect for you. All you have to do is send a message about what you're looking for.

Another excellent resource for Asian food recipes is to go to your local bookstore or even a chain store of great books at retail, these stores have hundreds of cookbooks different in different ethnic origin. You will be able to find a cookbook that has exactly what you want or need, if you go to one of these places. Another advantage of going to the store and buy a cookbook is that you can leaf through it before you buy to make sure it has what you need in it and explains things clearly.

Make sure that if you decide to buy a cookbook, to buy one specifically for Asian recipes. You would not buy a Japanese sushi cookbook or if you are wanting to learn different ways to make meatloaf, right? The same rule applies regardless of the type of dish you are wanting to prepare. Make sure you get a cookbook that is suitable for any type of food you are wanting to cook.

Nutritional Food Recipes | Nutritious Food Recipes

It can sometimes be difficult to find foods that are nutritious, affordable and great tasting. Most people think that the fulfillment of two of these objectives means engaging the third, but that's not true! Here are five quick recipes, healthy on a budget you can start today

1. Chile White

Most people probably do not equate the words "health" and "chile", but the white chile recipe is a delicious and healthy on a budget. Instead of using ground beef or meat fat, get lean ground turkey. Combine that with white beans, spices such as garlic and cumin and a little chicken broth and yogurt for soft and creamy base.

2. Easy Tortilla

Many people believe that eggs are unhealthy or too full of cholesterol, but eggs and poultry are packed with protein and health of omega-3. To make this easy recipe, health, start with a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, followed by three pre-beat the eggs. Mix the eggs around until just before you begin to install, put a lid on the pot and reduce heat to low. After about 2 minutes, you will have the perfect omelette that slides to the right of the tray!

3. Delicious Pork

When you think of pork, you usually think of fat, but some cuts such as tenderloin are extremely thin and profitable! To make this recipe perfectly healthy on a budget, start with the outside of the salt spine. Then it is cooked on all sides in a cast iron skillet with olive oil until all is golden on the outside. To complete the cooking process, add a little broth or water to the cast iron moisture, and place the whole thing in an oven at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Serve with barbecue sauce or your favorite homemade salsa.

4. Greek yogurt on the cheap

Greek yogurt is full of protein and full of healthy enzymes, but tends to cost more than regular yogurt. To make your own for less, put a coffee filter in a strainer and metal dump your normal whole milk yogurt that! Place the colander over a bowl to catch the fat, and after a day, the filter is full of thick yogurt, Greek! To be part of a great recipe, healthy, add nuts, granola or fruit.

5. The most simple broccoli soup

No, we're not talking the cream of broccoli, simply (but delicious!) Broccoli Soup. To make this recipe healthier budget, make broccoli with dark green leaves and no additional or flowers out of it. Cut out the thick parts, leaving the stems for another day, and put them in a pot of boiling salted water. Once the broccoli is cooked, add to blender with two cups of water, now green.

New Recipes | New Years Eve Food Recipes

Natural dog food recipes are not just a nice thing to have around. It is not only a fun way to give your dog an occasional treat. These days, on the basis of any intelligent analysis of commercial dog food are an absolute necessity for those who care at all about your pets.

Even some of the healthier brands of dog food can be found in a store are mixtures of ingredients not unpleasant caregiver never knowingly feed your beloved pet. If you do your own dog food now, can only be because you do not understand what is happening in the stock counters to store food coating.

Did you know that the road kill is in the form of dog food? Thus, firms representation decomposing bodies of scraping the road enters the food your dog! The same goes for pets euthanized. Seriously. Sick animals were put to sleep end up in the supply chain for manufacturers of dog food. Sometimes the poison used to kill these animals or even break down and found in measurable amounts in food commercials!

That's just the beginning, too. Dog food companies use additives that I can not enter the human food because it is actually known to cause disease and promote cancer. That plate of food you're putting in front of your pet may be nothing more than a glorified bowl of poison.

Natural dog food recipes are the output. They are the best way to stop killing your pet. The researchers argue that the dog food you buy in stores increases the likelihood of your dog contracting deadly diseases. Decreases the life expectancy of your dog. Crush the quality of your life. Those who have joined the "make your own dog food" movement, however, have found a way to give their pets what they really deserve - healthy foods that enhance their lives.

Natural Dog Food Recipes | Natural Food Recipes

Natural dog food recipes are not just a nice thing to have around. It is not only a fun way to give your dog an occasional treat. These days, on the basis of any intelligent analysis of commercial dog food are an absolute necessity for those who care at all about your pets.

Even some of the healthier brands of dog food can be found in a store are mixtures of ingredients not unpleasant caregiver never knowingly feed your beloved pet. If you do your own dog food now, can only be because you do not understand what is happening in the stock counters to store food coating.

Did you know that the road kill is in the form of dog food? Thus, firms representation decomposing bodies of scraping the road enters the food your dog! The same goes for pets euthanized. Seriously. Sick animals were put to sleep end up in the supply chain for manufacturers of dog food. Sometimes the poison used to kill these animals or even break down and found in measurable amounts in food commercials!

That's just the beginning, too. Dog food companies use additives that I can not enter the human food because it is actually known to cause disease and promote cancer. That plate of food you're putting in front of your pet may be nothing more than a glorified bowl of poison.

Natural dog food recipes are the output. They are the best way to stop killing your pet. The researchers argue that the dog food you buy in stores increases the likelihood of your dog contracting deadly diseases. Decreases the life expectancy of your dog. Crush the quality of your life. Those who have joined the "make your own dog food" movement, however, have found a way to give their pets what they really deserve - healthy foods that enhance their lives.

Mexican Food Recipes | Mexican Foods Recipes

Chile and Chocolate Pie

This is a sweet cake with a difference. You will have to start a day earlier than it is because the chiles need to instill a little oil and the chile-flavored oil that is added to the cake to give the spicy flavor is associated with authentic Mexican food recipes. This is a simple recipe and the resulting cake is really delicious.

What you need:

2 jalapeno, minced
1 oz almond paste
6 oz flour
7 oz butter
5 eggs
7 oz black chocolate
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 oz white sugar
Icing sugar

Here's how:

Combine the peppers and oil and leave them in a cool, dark place overnight. Combine the almond paste with flour, egg, half the sugar and half the butter. Knead the mixture until a paste, and then deployed and put into a round mold. Refrigerate for two hours, then bake blind at 350 degrees F for twenty minutes.

Add the egg yolk to the other three eggs, beating for one minute with the remaining sugar. Discard the egg or save for another use. Melt the remaining butter with the chocolate and stir the egg mixture.

Oil strainer and discard the chiles. Add oil to the dough, mix well then pour into pie crust. Bake for fifteen minutes, then sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mexican Christmas Food Recipes | Mexican Finger Food Recipes

Every night until Christmas Eve, December 24th, a feast is held in a local house. After each posada is held by the breaking of piñatas filled with candy and toys. On the night before Christmas, families often attend Midnight Mass together.

Although the traditional children had to wait until January 6, more families are allowed to open their presents on Christmas Day. However, there are more celebrations to come.

Recipe for Rosca de Reyes


1 package yeast

¼ cup warm milk

3 1 / 2 cups flour

3 / 4 cups sugar

7 eggs

125 grams butter

1.4 anise

100 grams of raisins

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 teaspoons cinnamon

Pinch of salt

50 grams candied figs

50 grams candied orange

50 grams of lemon confit

50 grams of cherries

50 grams of lemon confit

1 egg, beaten



Preheat oven to 360 ° F (180 ° C)
Dissolve yeast in warm milk
Mix flour, yeast, sugar, eggs, butter, cinnamon, anise, raisins, vanilla and salt
Kneeling for five to ten minutes until flexible
Place in a bowl, cover with a teatowel and somewhere warm to rise (1-2 hours)
Cut the candied fruit into strips
Form dough into a ring or thread.
Add the baby Jesus figurine.
Place the ring on a baking sheet to decorate the top with the candied fruit.
Let stand again for 20-30 minutes.
Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake for 40-45 minutes

Remove from oven and serve to celebrate Christmas a la mexicana. Remember, the tradition says that whoever finds the baby Jesus figurine must host the next party!

Malaysian Food Recipes | Malaysian Food Recipe

Changes like this will not affect the flavor of the dish balanced but give it color and flavor and also will allow you to use any vegetables you want to get rid of those who have passed their prime.

If you prefer a spicier dish, you can increase the amount of curry powder and chile powder, but keep in mind that not everyone likes hot food, so it is best to make the recipe as is and then just add a little extra chile to yours on the table.

Recipe - Step by Step

What you need:

1 chicken cut into pieces
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon chile powder
2 onions, chopped
1 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 pound peeled, chopped potatoes
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons curry powder
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 / 2 cup chopped cilantro
3 cups water
1 cup coconut milk
1 bay leaf
Salt and black pepper, to taste

Here's how:

Heat oil in a saucepan and saute garlic and onion for a minute. Add chicken and cook for three minutes. Add spices and stir the mixture well. Add potatoes and cook the dish until the potatoes are tender and chicken is cooked through. Add everything else, adjust the seasoning and serve the curry with steamed rice or boiled.

Low Fat Food Recipes | Low Fat Recipes

A well-balanced meal of low fat recipes. The recipes are for people who control their food in terms of fat. Low fat is a fountain filled with food energy. For a low fat balanced meal, here are 3 recipes for you.

Low Fat Banana Bread Recipe


2 cups sugar

1 cup applesauce

8 ounces egg healthy product choice

2 teaspoon vanilla

6 ripe bananas, mashed

4 cup flour

2 teaspoon baking soda

Low fat banana bread instructions:

Mix sugar and applesauce then add egg products after that mix well. The second step to add the bananas and vanilla and mix well. Hard flour with baking soda then add little by little, all mixed in Cook, two loaves at about 320 degrees for 1 hour in the oven. Depending on the oven you have, it takes longer if you put both on the inside of the oven.

Low Calorie Food Recipes | Low Calorie Recipes

Salad very VEGGIE
1 cup spinach and / or lettuce
2 cup favorite vegetables
1 / 4 cup beans (red beans)
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. olive oil

1 cup lettuce
1 chicken breast, grilled
1 / 4 cup croutons
1 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp. low-fat or nonfat Caesar or Italian dressing

1 / 2 cup each shredded Bibb lettuce and fresh spinach leaves
1 / 4 cup drained mandarin
1 / 4 cup croutons with herbs
2 tbsp. each white vinegar and olive oil Sprinkle lightly with almond shavings

Spinich SALAD
1 cup chopped spinach
1 / 4 cup mushrooms
1 / 2 Tomato
1 / 2 egg
1 tbsp. nuts
1 tbsp. low-calorie Italian dressing

1 cup lettuce
1 small tomato, chopped
3 oz tofu, thinly sliced
1. Season tofu with garlic salt and seasoning.
2. Place 2 tablespoons. olive oil in a hot skillet.
3. Place the slices of seasoned tofu in the pan and brown on both sides.
4. Let cool 15 minutes.
5. Chop into small pieces and add to salad. Season with sesame dressing fat-free.

1 cup lettuce
1 / 4 grapefruit (cut into pieces)
12 almonds
1 tbsp. cool blue

Cold Poached Salmon with ginger
4 salmon fillets
1 / 2 cup dry white wine
1 bay leaf
4-5 peppercorns
1 / 2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
2 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tsp. May lean
2 tbsp. finely chopped green onions
2 tsp. ginger

Kwanzaa Food Recipes | Latin Food Recipes

The legacy of soul food is bittersweet in its history. Born of a multitude of slavery, soul food is now a multibillion dollar industry that has led to restaurants, books, videos, television shows and cooking more. Yes, soul food is a treasure not only African-Americans ... is an American treasure.

Soul Food is an industry that has given birth to dozens of millionaires and created thousands of related companies. All this comes from recipes, cooking techniques and seasonings are passed from generation to more than 300 long years.

Surprisingly, many foods used in the preparation of food for the soul originated in Africa. It remains a mystery how the seeds arrived in the Americas. For example, okra, black-eyed peas, watermelon, yams and many green leafy vegetables, which came on the continent of Africa are a staple of soul food cooking today.

To support the South sweltering day, always full of prolonged labor and exhausting, Black workers had to have food that was cheap, filling and provide the necessary energy. The ingredients of the food for the soul as long as those needs. Soul Food is the food that helped build America, why? Because it helped the slaves who helped build America's work and survive in the stressful days long.

Ironically, historians have shown that slaves followed a more healthful diet than their masters, judging by the standards of health today. The slave owners and overseers were full of food too high in fat, calories and rich washed with alcohol. This diet is considered the diet of a wealthy man, and as often today as a result of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

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